Where The Boys Are By Robin Benjamin, Buyer Specialist - Sue Adler TeamIn my last blog I "sang" The times they are a changin'." In this one, it's "Where The Boys Are."No, I'm not going through a mid-life crisis, or reminicing about the "good old days." While the nation debates school vouchers and the decline of public education, I'm reflecting on the kids that graduate from the
Millburn/Short Hills school system. Not only has our system been rated as one of
New Jersey's best, but most of our kids graduate with something that only a great educational environment can provide. Character. As a mother of two Millburn graduates - one a scholar the other a scholar/ athlete, but neither perfect - I constantly see proof of this character as I run into kids I've known for years. Good kids. Polite kids. Confident kids. And often very loyal kids.
On a recent foray into NYC to watch a football game with my youngest son, a Penn State graduate, I dreaded sitting by myself in his favorite pub. That dread soon turned to joy as one Millburn graduate after another walked in to greet me and support my son and his beloved Nittany Lions. The boys were not only from his graduating class, but from the class that graduated with his older brother. It felt like old home week, surrounded by kids displaying a loyalty and bond that was formed in the classrooms, halls and playing fields of our wonderful school system. An anomaly you say? Hardly. The next day, I found myself cheering at a Millburn soccer game. Just a few seats away were several boys, all Millburn graduates, cheering on their alma mater right along with me. Trust me, while certain parts of my body froze, sitting on those aluminum bleachers, my heart was never warmer.
While many parents worry about their kids once they leave the nest, I can tell anyone who moves to the
Millburn/Short Hills area that you'll know "Where The Boys Are." They're in a good place, taking care of themselves and supporting the town and school that helped make them into the young men that they are today.
Joining me were from the class of 1995 ; Tim Milton, Josh Rossoto, Neil Smaldon, Neil Halinan, Steven Sarpi, and missing was my son Tyler, who’s living in London . We all sat together cheering on the Nittany Lions until the last 6 seconds . I was in my glory.
Sue Adler Team
#1 Keller Williams Team in NJ 2005-Present
www.SueAdlerTeam.comLabels: Millburn High School